Created just fifteen years ago, Ankama is an independent digital creation group specialized in entertainment and a vital player in the gaming world!
Following on from thephenomenal success of its online game, DOFUS in 2004 (85 million accounts created worldwide, including 40 million in France) Ankama began to invest in several areas to become a genuine transmedia group.
Located at Roubaix, France, in the heart of the Plaine Images: a dynamic business hub that is home to nearly one-hundred companies working in the spheres of digital imagery and innovation. Ankama employs nearly 350 staff members. From the ground up, our extensive facilities are embellished by the art work from our video games, television series and feature-length animations. People who work here can enjoy the company's many facilities such as a childcare center, cafeteria, relaxation area and sports facilities, not to mention our cinema.