Archon Studio s is a young and fast-growing enterprise in the Miniature Games manufacturing world with an inventive team of enthusiastic hobbyists from Poland eager to apply their varied skills to create the finest miniatures, most exciting games and thrilling stories available. Archon Studio is creator of innovative resin casting technologies, invetor of the Unicast technology.
Archon Studio is an experienced and successful production company based in the Poland. In its past, Archon helped 12 Kickstarter projects come to life by providing manufacturing services and have worked on many more KS unrelated products and producers. Archon has no brand as such in end customer’s view, as we want to use KS to create the brand.
LOAD Board Game and Vanguard of War are new products from Archon. In its past, Archon helped 12 Kickstarter projects come to life by providing manufacturing services and have worked on many more KS unrelated products and producers. Archon has no brand as such in end customer’s view, as we want to use KS to create the brand.