Warhammer 40,000 is a highly immersive tabletop board game set in a grim dark future where humanity fights for survival amidst a galaxy-spanning conflict. Players take on the role of commanders, leading armies of futuristic soldiers, aliens, and monstrous creatures in intense battles. The game combines strategic thinking, tactical maneuvering, and dice rolling to simulate epic warfare on a customi...
An age of darkness has descended upon the galaxy. Horus Lupercal, Warmaster of the Emperor's armies, has turned against his gene-father and sent the Imperium spiralling into bloody civil war. Of the eighteen great Space Marine Legions, finest of all humanity's soldiers, fully half have sided with the traitorous Warmaster, while the remainder stand staunchly loyal to the Emperor. It is a war of bro...
Games is an independent series of sets with its own rules.
The series / lines of sets are not related to the game and can cover any topic.
Lines / Series
Imperial Assault puts you in the midst of the Galactic Civil War between the Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Empire. Two complete games are included within Imperial Assault. The campaign game pits the limitless troops and resources of the Galactic Empire against a crack team of elite Rebel operatives as they strive to break the Empire’s hold on the galaxy, while the skirmish game invites you and a...
The chill mists have an evil reputation, billowing and moving like a thing alive. But the true terror lies within the mist, a dead kingdom garrisoned by undying legions. These legions now march on the border territory of Roth’s Vale… and all Terrinoth will know war again.
The great powers of Terrinoth have clashed countless times over the ages, spilling the blood of man and beast alike on the b...
Rebel and Imperial fleets fight for the fate of the galaxy in Star Wars™: Armada, the two-player miniatures game of epic Star Wars space battles!
Massive Star Destroyers fly to battle against Rebel corvettes and frigates. Banks of turbolasers unleash torrential volleys of fire against squadrons of X-wings and TIEs. Engineering teams race to route additional power to failing shields. Laser blast...