Hello! First of all I would like to thank you for visiting this site and checking my campaign. I am very proud to present you my project. I hope you will like it and enjoy it same as I do. I create Wonders Drops’ Studio as recognition of my life so far, and to try make some coins from my passion
Wonder Drop Studio
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New Miniatures from Wonder Drop Studio
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Crowd Funding Projects from Wonder Drop Studio
Ladies of the Lake
Wonders' Drop Studio project: Detailed 3D Figures. Scale 1:12 / 1:24, presupported STL files, ready for printing.
3d print
December 2022, Krakow, Poland, PL
December 2022, Krakow, Poland, PL
The Forest Creatures
Wonders' Drop Studio project: Detailed 3D Figures. Scale 1:12 / 1:24 / 1:48, presupported STL files, ready for printing.
Miniature, 3d print
May 2022, Krakow, Poland, PL
The Forest Creatures
First Wonders' Drop Studio project. Detailed 3D sculpture, 150/75/32mm resizable, STL files ready for printing.
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