These were sculpted by Michael and Alan Perry and originally released by Citadel Miniatures as Wars of Religion in 1983.Elizabethans nav image.png
The Majority of the figures in this range may be used for any late sixteenth century conflicts in Europe, the New World and for European conflicts against the Turks and Arabs including the following:
Wars of Religion (1558-1600)
The Armada (1588)
Dutch Wars (1575-1610)
French Wars of Religion (1558-1600)
Elizabethan Wars in Ireland (1579-1600)
Siege of Malta (1565)
Portuguese Invasion of Morocco
Venetian Wars Against Turkey, in Greece and Crete
Wars agains the Barbary Corsairs
This range is suitable for all European nations, United Provinces, Spanish Netherlands, Valois/Hapsburg Wars, The French Wars of Religion, English in Ireland and the Low countries, The Armarda etc.. Kevin Dallimore uses them for Irish English Civil War period and the odd model has even found its way into other ECW armies!