Printable Scenery began in 2013. Since then we have produced beautiful 3D printable models and gaming terrain, selling them worldwide to many satisfied customers. With several campaigns under our belt we continue to push the limits of what modern 3D printers can do, delivering the best quality sculpts with little cleaning required. We were the first 3D Printable Scenery website and have had great reviews all over the globe. Printable Scenery
Printable Scenery

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Crowd Funding Projects from Printable Scenery
Country and King
Realistic 3D Printable European Buildings for Table Top games from the Middle Ages through to the 20th Century for Wargames and D&D
August 2022, Wellington, NZ
Rise of the Halflings
Warlock and Halflings STL Files for Dungeons and Dragons and tabletop battles
Setting: Fantasy 3d print, 32mm
November 2021, Wellington, NZ
November 2021, Wellington, NZ
Hagglethorn Hollow STL Files
Hagglethorn Hollow STL files optimized for 3d printing by Printable Scenery.
3d print
June 2021, Wellington, NZ
June 2021, Wellington, NZ
Print your own 3D-printable ruins and wilds with dark fantasy STL files for RPGs and Wargames
Setting: Fantasy 3d print
November 2020, Wellington, NZ
November 2020, Wellington, NZ
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