The Nexus are one of the most dangerous races in the Galaxy. They have been responsible for two galactic wars, and the loss of untold millions of lives.
The Feral Nexus are particularity savage, even more than their Grunt cousins. Descended from a group of outcast Nexus who have spent centuries waging tribal warfare with each other, Feral Nexus are particularly brutal.
One of the most horrifying practices of the Ferals is to feast on the flesh of their fallen enemies. This seems to drive them into a blood lust that allows them to keep fighting.
Because they are so savage and unpredictable, Feral Nexus are actually kept in chains when not in battle to stop them fighting among themselves. They are only released and given weapons when they are about to join the battle.
This product contains 3 files; 1 body, one pair of left arms, and one pair of right arms.