The model has about half a meter in length, I tried to make the division into parts as friendly as possible and it seems that all the parts should fit into small printers like "photon mono" without any problems. Well, I also made the maximum number of individual parts so that they can be used in other projects. Artillery vehicle is also included.
The pack includes: 32 parts - 5 parts for assembling an artillery mount and 28 for assembling a tractor. Large tracks are common to both models.
An old chimera or leman russ should fit on the trailer without any problems. At worst, you can add up to 5 percent to the size and then the original equipment will fit there without any problems.
In a separate archive there is an upgrade for assembling the "Dragon Wagon" on wheels, without tracks. Includes two overlays for existing parts with wheel slots. The big wheels are the same as in the original archive, and the small ones are attached in the file. There is also a "wheel axle" for the second pair of wheels, it has a purely aesthetic task.