Mechanicum Tech-Thrall Covenant with Mitralocks

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Relentless and indefatigable in battle, Tech-thralls will advance into the most ferocious enemy onslaught without fear, an army of the alive-yet-dead puppeted by the magos who command them. Theirs is a fate suffered by those who have failed their Mechanicum overlords in some way, their consciousness and memory overridden and their bodies converted through basic augmetics and cranial surgery, so that they are still considered human, but are no longer capable of independent thought or action.

On the battlefield, Tech-thralls are formed into Covenants, utilising numerical superiority and weight of firepower. Their dull response to injury, capacity for adaptation and relative ease of replacement seeing them used as expendable foot soldiers for the armies of the Machine God. Armed with Mitralocks which release a fan of las-pulses akin to a shotgun blast, the Tech-Thralls firing range is reduced in favour of an increased likelihood of injuring their targets.

This set of Mechanicum Tech-thralls with Mitralocks includes 10 multi-part resin models.

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