Warhammer Age of Sigmar is a fantastic starter set for any and all fans of Warhammer! Detailing the first incursions of the Realmgate Wars, this bundle contains everything you need to begin your adventures in the Age of Sigmar: a collection of forty-seven incredible miniatures, and the 120 page Warhammer Age of Sigmar painting guide containing background information and stories on every model in the Age of Sigmar box set, with comprehensive, easy to follow step by step painting guides!
This fantastic bundle also gives you a set of paints ideal for painting up your new hordes of Khorne, and an incredible figure case emblazoned with the sigil of Khorne. The figure case is exactly the same as our awesome Citadel Crusade case - hardy, stout and roomy, with many incredible features - and the included paints are as follows:
Abaddon Black
Agrax Earthshade
Balthasar Gold
Bugman's Glow
Cadian Fleshtone
Carroburg Crimson
Evil Sunz Scarlet
Flayed One Flesh
Gorthor Brown
Khorne Red
Nuln Oil
Pallid Wych Flesh
Rakarth Flesh
Reikland Fleshshade
Rhinox Hide
Runefang Steel
Ushabti Bone
Zandri Dust