Arsinoitherium Zitteli : The Twin Horned Mammal From The Cenozoic

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Arsinoitherium is an extinct genus of paenungulate mammals belonging to the extinct order Embrithopoda.

It is related to elephants, sirenians, hyraxes and the extinct desmostylians. Arsinoitheres were superficially rhinoceros-like herbivores that lived during the Late Eocene and the Early Oligocene of North Africa from 36 to 30 million years ago, in areas of tropical rainforest and at the margin of mangrove swamps.

Model includes a Pre-supported version as well as a Hollowed version. Curing inside the model using a portable UV lamp is recomended for the hollowed version.

The model is sized for 1:30 of the actual size. You can reduce or enlarge the model using the slicing software if you need a different size.

Pre-supported model is oriented to minimize supports to the face and other high-detail parts. Care should be taken when removing the supports to avoid damaging the model.

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