Ringtail Vixen

i want 
i have 

Once, a couple of despondent survivors wandered into the darkness. Following faint cries. they arrived at a river of blood. Floating on its languid current, a baby in a basket of woven fur. Forsaking oblivion, the pair unexpectedly returned to their home with the infant in their arms. Strong and preternaturally fast, the child grew into a wild, beautiful woman bearing strange features like needle sharp teeth and strong fingernails that grew at an alarming rate.

Finding an affinity with the fierce fox monsters that haunt her dreams, she crafted her armor with clawed feet, a hood with vulpine ears, and fox tails. 

Art: Lokman Lam

Sculpture: Blair Armitage

The Ringtail Vixen white box includes:

  • 1 x Hard plastic Ringtail Vixen
  • 1 x Hard plastic Kingdom Death 30mm round base & insert
  • Large matte print of the original concept artwork on heavy card stock
  • Character art card
  • Bookmark rules. Play with this to add the Ringtail Vixen to your Kingdom Death: Monster campaign
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