Error message

  • Warning: Use of undefined constant CACHE_DISABLED - assumed 'CACHE_DISABLED' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in visitors_exit() (line 160 of /home/miniset/
  • Warning: Use of undefined constant CACHE_DISABLED - assumed 'CACHE_DISABLED' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in visitors_exit() (line 160 of /home/miniset/
  • Warning: Use of undefined constant DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_PATH - assumed 'DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_PATH' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in visitors_exit() (line 161 of /home/miniset/


i want 
i have 

Tuatha has always haft a deep connection with nature. He was a forest guardian, until a nymph got in his way. He learnt the hard way that not all fairies and good-natured.

He was fooled to follow paths away from nature’s neutrality towards all living things. He started adopting the ways of the evil fairy creatures, that want to asphyxiate, devour and parasitize all the living forms not fitting in their corrupted vision of a perfect natural world for themselves. Including civilization.

Crowned as a forest prince by the queen of thorns, he still tries not to fall in the spiral of hate she wants him to follow. In the deep of his heart, a bit of goodness still remains.

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