Goldenleaf Market 3 Collection

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The Goldenleaf Market 3 Collection was our Tribes release for October 2024. If you subscribe to our Tribe this month, you will get a 50% off code for all our past releases!

Download Contents:

- These modular stalls are compatible with all other Market Stalls in our Goldenleaf series, so you can mix and match parts.

- Adan Cafe store pieces: Back Panel, Front Panel, Roof, Curtains, Sellers table

- Adan Cafe stall scatter: 4 different table layouts, 2 cushion piles, Big table prepared with food, 11 small scatter pieces from tables

- Sage Apothecary store pieces: Back Panel, Front Panel, Roof, Sellers table, Awning

- Sage Apothecary stall scatter: 6 herb baskets and 2 herb drying racks

Everything in this download is pre-supported and tested for resin printing, but some of our subscribers do print on FDM. The scale is 32mm so it will work with Dungeons & Dragons, and many other tabletop games! The download contains the STLs, a pre-supported version of all the STLs and the Lychee files.

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