D&D Idols of the Realms: The Wild Beyond the Witchlight - 2D Set 2

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Introducing the next set in our 2D line of miniatures product by WizKids! With miniatures inspired by our D&D Icons of the Realms: The Wild Beyond the Witchlight (Set 20) release these 2D minis are an inexpensive way to gain a huge assortment of miniatures. Perfect for new adventurers!

This set contains: 

1x Sir Talavar

1x Amidor

1x Chucklehead

1x Pincushion

1x Jingle Jangle

1x Will

1x Agdon Longscarf

1x Gullop the XIX

1x Zybilna

1x Cradlefall

1x Skabatha Nightshade on Sugerlump

1x Endelyn Moongrave on Orinthopter

1x Gleam

1x Glister

1x Squirt

1x Star

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