
  • Warning: Use of undefined constant CACHE_DISABLED - assumed 'CACHE_DISABLED' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in visitors_exit() (Zeile 160 von /home/miniset/miniset.net/sites/all/modules/visitors/visitors.exit.inc).
  • Warning: Use of undefined constant CACHE_DISABLED - assumed 'CACHE_DISABLED' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in visitors_exit() (Zeile 160 von /home/miniset/miniset.net/sites/all/modules/visitors/visitors.exit.inc).
  • Warning: Use of undefined constant DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_PATH - assumed 'DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_PATH' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in visitors_exit() (Zeile 161 von /home/miniset/miniset.net/sites/all/modules/visitors/visitors.exit.inc).


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Cankerworm attacks with a breed of cunning and sense of self-preservation that makes mockery of life. The 'jack's unprecedented ability to manipulate even the most sophisticated and complex mechanikal devices makes Cankerworm a versatile and vicious tool. It waits for the mightiest of warjacks to suffer crippling damage and springs to attack the vulnerable machine. After the final strike, Cankerworm harvests weapons and other useful machinery from the fallen construct and turns them against their former masters.

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