David Summers

and just a nice person

Sculptor of 165 miniatures

David Summers was born in Scotland, grew up in Northern England and moved over to the US in the late 1980’s. David has been a professional sculptor for 34+ years and has produced well in excess of 3000 figures. He spent most of his sculpting career as a freelance sculptor with various long term in house work for Ral Partha, Jacobite (Owner) and Wizkids Games. He has worked for small companies all the way up to the likes of Darksword, Blizzard and Hasbro. The award winning TSR red dragon was sculpted by David made an appearance on the X-Files. David has been awarded 14 prestigious awards for sculpting to date. Some of these awards were for solo work and some for team work. The awards were from various lines including Shadowrun, Battletech, AD&D, Best in class and best Elmore miniatures for various years.

All information taken from opened resources like person's blogs or pages. If you are David Summers - please, contact us to change info!