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Creation of owlbears is cloaked in mystery and mists of time and legend, but one thing is certain – they are vicious predators who primarily dwell in temperate woodlands, guarding their hunting grounds with outmost savagery and cunning. But these apex predators are not natural creatures and somebody had to create them, or unless they were product of some magical mishap.
In fact, owlbears were created by the hands of a mighty Elven Sorceress, a member of Sylvan Elf race, who was left as the only survivor of her kingdom when the forces of darkness invaded the forest. She was safe in her retreat, where she went to give birth to her daughter by a brave and noble human ranger, but she despaired for her future and the future of her child. So she ultimately decided to fuse two of the forest’s greatest predators and create the ultimate killing machine that will need no specific directions or commands to hunt and kill all the interlopers.
In a few short years, the forest has become her domain, and evil has learned to fear to thread beneath the shadowy boughs.
And her daughter grew up playing with mighty beasts who were gentle as kittens with the child of the sorceress who created them.
Elven Sorceress the Lady of the Woods miniature (1 inch/25 mm base) - two versions, with Owlbear cub and Baby from our March 2022 release on Tribes - Don't stare, here comes an Owlbear. For only as low as 8$ get this nice miniature and 6 other high-quality models, together with 4 throw-back models and Welcome pack!
Beside unsupported models also includes pre-supported files. Successfully test printed.
Happy printing!