Asmodeus The Archdevil

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Asmodeus is prone to take on many shapes and guises. Most frequently he takes form of a charming man, cunning and sarcastic, but undeniably charismatic.

At other times, he takes on a form of a powerful pit fiend, as far above them in power as pit fiends are above imps. This avatar of his has inspired classical image of the Devil in many cultures – huge and muscled, with large horns, bat-like wings and clawed or goat-like feet.

This is the shape that Asmodeus takes when he is angered or when his rage gets the better of him, enough to draw in whole worlds straight into Hell.

Asmodeus the Archdevil (3 inch/75 mm base) from our October 2022 release on Tribes - Black as the Devil, Hot as Hell

Beside unsupported model also includes pre-supported file. Successfully test printed.

Happy printing, painting, gaming!

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