Stocks And Gibbets

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Punishment in the Fabled Realms is both direct and sometimes brutal, more minor punishments are treated with a stint in the stocks for public humiliation.

For more serious crimes a criminal will be placed in the gibbets 'to hang unto death', depending on the state within the Tueden League they are used in different ways, Tuedenburg uses them in penitents square where public hanging and then gibbeting is used as the main punishment for murderers, thieves and fraudsters.  Mordanburg on the other hand uses them on the river where water borne pirates are placed on river banks in gibbets as a warning to other criminals.  Fellendorf uses them on the roads as forms of public execution and finally in Daldorr they are found on ruined buildings where the previous residents used them for execution and even though the city is ruined some gibbets still contain the remains of criminals who had nowhere to run during the ruination of that cursed city.

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