Tuscani Condottierie Line

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1o Condottierie Line: While in reality these soldiers are mercenaries they accept pay from the coffers of the Emperor and fight as a line regiment most of the time. They are vicious and dependable warriors who are regular infantry and use standard muskets.

Here are your choices for Flintloque (Skirmish) and Slaughterloo (Unit) players from this 28mm metal miniatures code:

51534 Ten Miniatures - Skirmish Pack

(Officer, Standard, Musician, Sergeant, Trooper 1, Trooper 2, Trooper 3 and three further repeated trooper poses). Miniatures taken from 51031, 51051.

51534-U Twenty Miniatures - Unit Pack

(as 51534 with added ten mixed trooper poses).

51504-T One Miniature - Trooper Booster

(one random trooper pose from 51504).

Wild Elves are larger than typical Elves and these miniatures stand 30mm tall. Click HERE to download a free three page Uniformation article on these miniatures.  Code 51052 contains a character officer and casualty useful for these troops.

These miniatures are supplied with bases and are supplied unpainted.  All these miniatures are from this code. Select your option on this page. Assembly is required with most miniatures.

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Tags: Infantry

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