Al-Garvey Goblin Command

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The nation of Al-Garvey was indeed poorly led in the aftermath of the Ferach Revolution, the advent of Black Powder among the Goblins had led to their unification as one country but aside from a few notable senior officers their Commanders were dismal. In the War of the Orangies, when faced with equally inept but superior numbers of Dark Elf enemies, the Queen of Al-Garvey advocated a policy of personal command; she is an unorthodox Commander but an effective one. Since the arrival of the Orcs of Albion and William Beresforc, training cadres have made a good number of quality officers in all arms of the Al-Garvey army. While more traditional officers favour lizard mounts many of the Albinois or imitators of the Orcs have adopted the often vicious Dodo as their steed. Most of the new class of officers wear bicornes but still carry the longest possible swords or biggest pistols into battle, for as the saying goes: They will most often be bigger than you but steel or lead pushed in the belly can kill even the biggest!

The Al-Garvey Command Set gives you officer on foot and mounted for all purposes.  Use in all Goblin sections and units.

Here are your choices for Flintloque (Skirmish) and Slaughterloo (Unit) players from this 28mm metal miniatures code:

53509 Six Miniatures - Pack

(Officer Aggressive, Officer Cowardly, Officer Dastardly, Officer Heroic, Mounted Colonel, Mounted General).

53509-T One Miniature - Random Booster

(one random foot officer from this set) 

These miniatures are supplied with bases and are supplied unpainted.  You have the option of purchasing a skirmish pack as outlined or a unit pack as outlined or a single trooper booster for sampling or extending your existing forces. If you purchase multiple single random troopers we will supply as many different poses of trooper as the code contains before we repeat a pose in your order. All these miniatures are from this code and only the number supplied varies by choice. Select your option on this page. Assembly is required with most miniatures.   

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