The Pug Dogman line infantry of the little dutchy of Von Mohnblume.
CLICK HERE to download a one page free PDF with uniforms and game statistics for the Von Mohnblume dutchy forces in Flintloque and Slaughterloo.
This set contains 28mm metal miniatures including an officer with Sword and Pistol, Musician with Drum, Sergeant with Pike, Standard Bearer and four different poses of Dogmen all with muskets. Dwarf sized 'Pug' type Dogmen standing around 23mm tall. A small dutchy within the Empire of Ostaria and in the service of the mad Emperor Klaffenhund. Or you can use them to portray any one of the multitude of tiny stattes in the Confederation of Finklestein.
You can choose from a skirmish pack of ten miniatures (all eight poses with two additional random trooper poses), a unit of twenty miniatures (the skirmish pack with ten additional mixed trooper poses and a small saving) and single miniature choice booster for additional trooper poses.
56595 Ten Miniatures - Skirmish Pack
(Pug Dogman Officer, Standard Bearer, Drummer, Sergeant and mixed Dogman Troopers with Musket from four poses).
56595-U Twenty Miniatures - Unit Pack
(as 56595 with ten added mixed Troopers).
56595-T One Miniature - Trooper Booster
(one random trooper pose from 56595).
These miniatures are supplied with bases and are supplied unpainted. You have the option of purchasing a skirmish pack as outlined or a unit pack as outlined or a single trooper booster for sampling or extending your existing forces. If you purchase multiple single random troopers we will supply as many different poses of trooper as the code contains before we repeat a pose in your order.