57818 Lergo Artillery Crew

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Trolkin with an aptitude for fire and accuracy are assigned to the Lergo Artillerie batteries to man field guns and mortars in the service of the Ferach Emperor Mordred. They are classes as Gunners.

Here are your choices for Flintloque (Skirmish) and Slaughterloo (Unit) players from this 28mm metal miniatures code:

57818 Lergo Artillery Crew

This unit pack contains six one piece 28mm white metal miniatures and two grey tone resin 28mm limber beasts with separate white metal horns for a total of eight miniatures. This is a Trolkin artillery crew composed of an Officer (arms folded), Match (lit and pointing), Rammer (kneeling and pointing), Sponger (sponge and bucket), Ball (with cannon ball) and Trailspike (with wooden pole). Two identical Muskox's in limber harness suitable for pulling any field gun. Each Trolkin is larger and bulkier than an Elf and stands 30mm to eye level while a Muskox is 40mm long.


These miniatures are supplied without bases and are supplied unpainted.  You have the option of purchasing a unit pack as outlined. All these miniatures are from this code. Select your option on this page. Assembly is required with most miniatures.

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