IAF042D Mullo APC three choices of propulsion

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Mullo APC with three choices of motive means.

The Mullo is the medium size of vehicle in our range in 15mm scale which is ideal for Retained Knights, Muster and Planetary Militia. Bigger than the Adder series of Combat Cars and smaller than the Taranis Main Battle Tank this is the APC variant of the model.
A Mullo is an Armoured Personnel Carrier meaning that it transports up to fifteen troops a short distance into the fray. Once assembled the Mullo APC measures some 80mm to 100mm in length with a width of 55mm to 65mm and a height to top of turret of 30mm to 35mm. It is easy to assemble with a one piece hull and pre-set bracketing points for propulsion units. The Angis 12.5mm AP weapon on ball mount can be attached to the front of the hull or left off if chosen.  The pintle mounted Angis 22mm AP Rifle is white metal and can be left off or put on as with the 12.5mm Angis ball mount.
Choose from three types using the options here.  You can purchase one or three of the same type with a saving by selecting it.
IAF042DW Wheeled
IAF042DT Tracked
IAF042DR Repulsar
The Mullo is a 15mm scale vehicle in high grade grey tone resin and white metal. 

Supplied Unpainted and with a Flight Base (if needed).  Please note that the pictures showing items other Ion Age items, these other items are not supplied and are for pleasure and scale purposes only (16mm tall). For more information refer to The Ion Age Blog.

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