IB02 Retained Lance Command-Pro-Painted Set (4)

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Pro-Painted and based set of four white metal 28mm scale miniatures in green uniform of Retained Knights of the Prydian Army or any other Marcher Baron force. Great for skirmish level games or combining with other codes for bigger formations and battles.

The Retained Knights of the Prydian Army operate in Lances (22 Men), Posts (10 Men) and Demi's (4-5 Men).

Here is a list of the poses in this code:

Pose One - IA005 Retained Knight Officer

Pose Two - IA006 Retained Assaulter

Pose Three - IA007 Retained Varlet Medic

Pose Four - IA008 Retained Varlet Comms

This code comprises four different poses of 28mm scale white metal miniatures painted and based with scenic terrain to a high tabletop standard and ready to use.  What you see is what you purchase although where there is more than 1 set in stock there will be some small differences.

Stock Level 2

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