Miniature model of horse cart. Can be used as a "Large" vehicle in tabletop games as DnD
The model consists of 8 separate parts: horse1, horse2, horse bases, shaft, cart, cart base, pack, wheels.
32mm scale: horses height 44mm on oval bases 25 x 50mm. Cart height 54 mm on base 50mm (2")
75mm scale (1:24): horses height 88mm on oval bases 50 x 100mm. Cart height 108 mm on base 100mm (4")
Unsupported + presupported + Lychee scenes. Presupported designed for SLA printing.
There is enough space on the front seat of the cart to put a 25mm base model in there, so you can put your hero model on it. Technically you can fit a model on a 25mm base and into the trunk as well, but it will stand at a slight angle.
Shaft attaches separately so you can adjust its height. Recommended assembly order: First glue the horses to their bases, then put on the wheels and shafts on the cart. Put the base of the cart close to the horses and only after that glue the cart to its base (you can see in the photo that the cart does not stand perfectly in the center of its base, so the assembly order is like this)
There are no keys on the models, so you can replace its elements with others of your choice (for example, use a cart without a base or pick up a different base for horses, load and unload cargo and so on)