Over The Top 2: Once More - Anvil Digital Forge February 2021

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What's Included
The entire Anvil Digital Forge Patreon release for February 2021, including;

1 x "Modular Hero" (male) that has unique and modular parts including;
1 x Unique Head in the heavily armoured helmet, but lacking the chain-veil
1 x Unique Torso with a decorative sash to denote high rank
2 x Pairs of male arms, 1 set with open wrists and 1 set holding a spotter's binoculars and a hand radio
1 x the coveted "Pointing Hand" compatible with any open-wrist joint!
All of the Modular Hero parts are completely compatible with all of the standard infantry parts!

7 x Ushanka Hats; (2 male, 2 female, 3 unisex)
6 x Armoured Chain-Veil Torsos with integrated heads in various poses (4 male, 2 female)
6 x Pairs of "Puttee" Legs in various poses (4 male, 2 female)
6 x Greatcoat Torsos with varied sculpts (4 male, 2 female)
6 x Pairs of Trencher Fatigue Arms designed for Rifle Stock style weapons (4 male, 2 female)
2 x Pairs of Trencher Fatigue Arms with open wrist joints for pistol and melee weapons (1 male, 1 female)
1 x PPSh-41 style machine gun, supplied with stock and with a Rifle Stock style attachment joint
1 x Service Revolver pistol, both held in hand, and standalone 
1 x Sabre, both held in hand with two unique posing options, and standalone 

Modular Ogres!
Parts to make large Ogre miniatures, now made fully modular just like our regular Regiments Infantry!

6 x Ogre Heads, 4 bare, shaved heads (1 with a cybernetic eye) and 2 in helmets and gasmasks (both our Brodie helmet and the original Armoured Trencher style)
1 x Ogre Armoured Trencher Torso
3 x Pairs of Ogre Armoured Greatcoat Legs in various poses
3 x Pairs of Ogre Trencher fatigue arms in various poses with Rifle Stock style weapon attachment joints (though much larger)
1 x Pair of Ogre Trencher fatigue arms with open wrists, designed for melee weapons and pistols
2 x Ogre-sized Rifle weapons, a Shotgun and a Lewis Gun with Rifle Stock style weapon attachment joints (though much larger). Supplied with stocks as stand alone parts too!
1 x Ogre-sized Service Revolver pistol, held in hand and also as a stand alone part 
1 x Ogre-sized Trench Club melee weapon, held in hand and also as a stand alone part 

The Tankette
1 x Tankette Chassis with an option of the kind of "turret" it can be carrying
1 x Crew Turret, featuring a hull mount with an MG-42 and a slot-in set of crew bodies;
Use any torso and heads for your crew! And show them off with openable hatches!

1 x Artillary Turret, with a key slot (easily swappable!) for your choice of weaponry; either a Quad-Autocannon or Heavy Mortar Cannon
7 x Scenery and Scatter Terrain parts, including 5 unique "Dragon's Teeth" tank traps, a "Hedgehog" tank trap, and a destroyed Tankette!

Are the Parts Presupported?
Yes. The downloads contain both the unsupported files AND an identical copy with a pre-made support structure included as a separate shell.

Back our Patreon!
Each month we release a new set of digital files on Patreon - You can get these if you back us for $9 a month, making a huge saving on buying them separately!

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