The bonus pack comes with 19 new components to expand your Spectre Operative teams with;
- Special character Gabriella Aguilar - a marine first-class in all areas of her training, she was inducted into the top-secret Spectre training program, where she has continued to excel. Her model is highly shelled, allowing most elements to be removed and kitbashed, as desired!
- "Whispering Death", Gabriella's custom 50cal rifle, as both a Pistol-Grip compatible weapon, and as a complete rifle with stock.
- Four balaclava heads with tri-optics, sculpted into both up and down poses, and Multi-Shelled
- Two Digital-Kitbash helmets that are hollowed and feature internal padding. Perfect for adding to a belt hook, or as part of a diorama. Shelled just as the regular helmets were.
- The "Classic" Spectre pistol, both with a pistol-grip joint, and with the underslung secondary barrel.
- Two pairs of Spectre Missile Launcher arms, compatible with our previously released ML-joint launchers, for both Regiments male and female joint systems
- Two compact RPG launchers, one with Regiments ML-joint, and a "collapsed" version, to be more easily carried or stowed.
- Two RPGs, one pre-firing with stabilising fins closed, and the other post-firing with fins deployed (unsupported)