The Unassembly Line - A Sordane Stories 5E Adventure & Stls

i want 
i have 

Patreon Release: The Unassembly Line (Adventure/STL's/Music/Maps/VTT)

A group of abandoned have broken into a nearby shard beast factory, hoping to use the scrap within to rebuild their metallic bodies. But these abandoned got a great deal more than they bargained for when they entered the warehouse… a shard assembly drone, a metallic marvel used for building shard beasts and even airships has been alerted to their presence and activated shard beasts throughout the complex. Will the characters side with the abandoned and help them in escaping the warehouse or will they work for the owners of the factory and put an end to these interlopers? Either way, there is sure to be a fight! Get ready for rivet guns, canon-touting goblins, and massive, flame-throwing robots in this 5e adventure The Unassembly Line.



  • - The Unassembly Line PDF Adventure
  • - The Unassembly Line Maps
  • - The Unassembly Line Music
  • - The Unassembly Line VTT Foundry Files
  • - Shard Construct: Assembly Drone (2 poses) (Pose still being supported)
  • - The Abandoned 1 (2 poses)
  • - The Abandoned 2 (2 poses)
  • - Tilktik Goblin Captain (2 poses)
  • - Tiltik Goblin Heavy Gunner (2 poses)
  • - Tiltik Goblin Duo (combined version)
  • - Bonus STL: Shard Drones - 2 Power Drones (First released in the Airship Campaigns Kickstarter)


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