Gino on Wulf-Hog
Between the boar races of Aera, the Wulf-Hog is the mightest of them all, and the most stubborn. This one had been saved by Gino from the Ash Alfar when he was only a cub: since then he never separated from the Oathbreaker leader.
The Wulf-Hog is sapareted from the rider and it comes in 2 versions: with or without saddle.
This set includes:
- 1 Highly Detailed Dwarf Hero (mounted)
- 1 Highly Detailed Dwarf Hero (mounted) (no smoking pipe)
- Modular weapons: axe, keg backpack, fists.
- 1 Highly Detailed Wulf Hog (with saddle)
- 1 Highly Detailed Wulf Hog (no saddle)
- 1 Custom Base
- Supported Files
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