This is the Silvermoor Elves Special Units and Heroes Batch, elves from the lore of One Sin For Seven Kingdoms. Its scale and dimension is intended to be played with GW miniature range however the ditails wil admit a scale reduction to fit other game systems:
- 1 x Polomhir, Silvermoor Elves Commander with Sword and Shield
- 1 x Polomhir, Silvermoor Elves Commander with Spear and Shield
- 1 x Polomhir, Silvermoor Elves Commander with Two handed Axe
- 1 x Lyriel, Silvermoor Elves Captain
- 1 x Kythaela, Elven Wizard
- 1 x Polomhir, Silvermoor Elves Commander on Horse with Sword and Shield
- 1 x Polomhir, Silvermoor Elves Commander on Horse with Sword and Lance
- 1 x Sephirya, Queen of the Moor
- 1 x Usunaar, Shades Captain
- 1 x Ashur, Silvermoor Elves Hero on War Gryphon
- 1 x Balista
- 1 x Chariot with Archer
- 1 x Chariot with Lancer
- 1 x Bear Guardians Chariot
- 1 x Eagle Chariot
- 1 x Glorinder on king Eagle
- 3 x Royal Eagles
- 3 x Royal Eagles with Helmet
- 1 x Ynariel, Princess of Elves on Dragon with Lance
- 1 x Ynariel, Princess of Elves on Dragon with Sword