
i want 
i have 

This set has the next features:

– turnable wheel and top part

– working window shutters and doors

– normal and damaged roof variations

– no slicer support needed to print

The rotating part/base is mixable with the tower of the Roadside Inn model!

No slicer support needed!

City of Tarok is a 3D printable medieval and fantasy village set with buildings that were great at their height, but after a huge war, they are just crumbling remains of the gorgeous buildings they once were. The area is still populated, but the inhabitants have fallen on hard times. As people come back, the once-abandoned buildings are getting new life, the mill, blacksmith and mine are working again and there is new light where once, there was only darkness.

This is the Windmill from the series.

We attached a PDF with all the information you need to print the files. The merged model may require support.

Useful links:

Patreon with miniatures and smaller terrain pieces + with a merchant option in case you would like to sell the printed result of any of the models you own from us.

Facebook group with many pictures of our printed sets.

Our website with maps, map-tiles, and 3D printables.

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