Halloween Fences With Pumpkins

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i have 

This is an extra expansion set to our Fences set.

 Purchase any of the Bundles we have to receive this product for FREE! Check it out: 

Only until the 3rd of November!

(If you already purchased one then it will be among the files .)


Make your next game more atmospheric and decorate your setting with these easy-to-print pumpkin-covered fences!

Supportless design, you do not need support to print these fences. Mix it with the original set to make it more varied.

This set is including the next variations:

Wooden fences:

- 2 inches long piece
- 3 inches long piece
- 3 inches long piece -damaged

LED option:

- 2 inches long piece with glowing pumpkin
- 3 inches long piece with glowing pumpkin

Both sides are designed differently!

Нет описания на русском языке. Любой может его добавить, но пока не дошли руки.

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