Nesos, The Bearer Of The Mantle

i want 
i have 

“Nesos was once a Centaur shaman of great power. He was gifted the Mantle of Persephone by Tisiphone in disguise, he was slowly corrupted by infernal influence.
After he sacrificed himself in a demonic ritual that weakened the borders between the Planes, he was born again as a monstrous abomination in Underworld’s. There half crazed, he seeks in vain and despair, forbidden magical knowledge to regain a life long lost.”

Nesos can be used as a monster or villain character in your rpg games.

A pre-supported version is included!
This miniature is from the Shattered Hell Kickstarter. Check the Kickstarter page here:

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This miniature can be used for tabletop rpgs like D&D and Pathfinder, fantasy boardgames and wargames.

Нет описания на русском языке. Любой может его добавить, но пока не дошли руки.

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