A 3D printable Suburban House scaled for 28mm compatible with games like Last Days: Zombie Apocalypse, Fallout, The Walking Dead All Out War, This Is Not A Test, and other 28mm survival games. A great companion piece to the Suburban House A, the Farmyard Barn and St. Gabriel’s Church.
Supplied as a multi-part printable file for faster printing. The roof lifts off to allow access to the interior of the building. Both floors also come as a windowless version for those who like to use the windows for line-of-sight.
Scale between 115% and 126% to be compatible with MCP, depending on personal preference and print bed size/capabilities.
Assembled size at 28mm - 212mm x 227mm x 167mm
Basement Left - 89mm x 151mm x 35mm
Basement Right - 121mm x 158mm x 35mm
Main Building Left - 92mm x 118mm x 52mm
Main Building Right - 121mm x 87mm x 52mm
Roof Left - 98mm x 157mm x 84mm
Roof Right - 114mm x 157mm x 65mm
Recommended printing resolution - 0.2mm. All files can be printed on a 200mm x 200mm print bed. Supports may be needed for overhangs and window openings depending on your printer's bridging settings and capabilities.
Everything is ready to throw into your slicer of choice and start printing.