Xer'koz, The Xeredian Soulknife

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i have 

This includes the Xer'Koz Xeredian Soulknife miniature. It sits on a medium (25.4mm) base. It comes in 5 poses.

This miniature comes with optional presupported files for resin printing. These files come as ready to go STL files or Lychee files if you wish to edit the supports for your custom needs.

You can find my latest releases over on my Patreon!


Xer'Koz, The Xeredian Soulknife

Xer’thul and Xer’koz, two Xeredians that escaped the colony. Both having experienced a crisis of ego and existence, they have accepted a life of running from their kin.

Xer’koz has mastered his psionic capabilities for combat with psychic blades. Killing those that he must silently without being seen and without leaving a trace… not even a wound.

Нет описания на русском языке. Любой может его добавить, но пока не дошли руки.

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