The False Dragon stands on a colossal 127mm/5 inch base.
This miniature comes with optional presupported files for resin printing. These files come as ready to go STL files or Lychee files if you wish to edit the supports for your custom needs.
The False Dragon
A mockery of proud dragons and truly a sinister horror. Through terror, domination and sheer power this False Entity can fell entire kingdoms with little resistance.
Like all False Entities, it is a monstrosity of horrfying flesh and bone that alters the minds of unfortunate souls in their presence. Rather than singing a terrible blindsong or stealing your memories - The False Draghon spews a miasma of domination. Its miasma alters the mind of those that breath it in and reduces all who cannot resist into unwilling thralls.
However, the truly insidious thing is that the thralls of the dragon are unaware of the domination. They simply carry out the will of the dragon without any recollection of the horro that spoke the words to them. Eventually the continual mental trauma will begin to reveal itself in srange ways - emotional outbursts, memory loss and madness. Few survive prolonger exposure to the influence of a False Entity, The False Dragon is no exception.
Once the False Dragon has chosen its lair - usually a throne room, and has dominated the nearby populace. It dwells in its lair commanding its thralls to bring more people to it. Slowly it spreads its evil influence by creating unwilling agents of its terrible will.
Can your heroes resist the will of The False Dragon? If not...
Kingdoms. Will. Fall.