You will find in this set, 1 French officer smoking his cigarette with a haughty air, 1 spahis cavalryman who wears the regiment's pennant, 1 spahis cavalryman who indicates a danger and finally, 1 spahis cavalryman who stands guard with a MAS 36 in hand, while his brothers in arms are equiped with Berthier 1916 models (mousqueton). These riders represent the French colonial troops who fought bravely in 1940. The Spahis were intended for reconnaissance missions and fought dismounted. Some of them wear the characteristic chechia, they have cartridge pouches typical of cavalry units. I decided to represent certain Spahis riders with their swords, even if they generally left them on the saddle of their horse. The officer wears a kepi which has been painted in the colors of the cavalry, the emblem of the spahis is present on all the headgear, including the adrian helmets.