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Oi, you bunch of loot-lovin’ gobbo fans! Grab yer goggles and hold onto yer hats, ‘cause we’ve just unleashed the wildest, wackiest spectacle this side of the Urucan Wastelands! It’s a video showcase so explosive, so downright goblin-tastic, it’ll make yer eyeballs dance a jig of joy.
We’re talkin’ machines, mayhem, and more mischief than you can shake a stick bomb at! So, if yer ready for a ride on the wild side, hop into the convoy and let’s turn the chaos up to 11. Peek at the video, and don’t say we didn’t warn ya – it’s a real blast!
-Lieutenant Von-Bardier
The second fastest fighting unit in the goblin con- voy, Von Bardier reaches dazzling heights with his wing appendages, flying high as eagles and hiding amongst the clouds before beginning his dreaded bomb run against the unsuspecting targets below. For centuries, the goblins inhabited the bottom of the vast canyons of the Urucan Wastelands. Shar- ing the territory with larger creatures like giants, the goblins’ home was constantly besieged and plundered. This changed when an outlandish gob- lin inventor named Gemillus showed up, bringing knowledge of crafting vehicles and items.
The goblins embraced the technology, abandoned their former habits and adopted life on the road and became a convoy. The lieutenant has wiped entire settlements or caravans out, making him the most feared combatant of the goblin convoy.