Plights are one of the “newest” of the Brood’s genetic recipes, creating a durable humanoid investigator bred with a powerful curiosity that hungers for knowledge about one thing – humanity. Predisposed toward studying every facet of the Creator-Gods, Plights spend their lives learning about humankind and passing it back into the collective pool of knowledge that is the Brood Mere. Watching from afar to learn about habits, ecology and other behavioral traits, a group of Plights will commonly lurk outside human settlements for days before a Brood encroachment takes place. They are cautious to engage until they know they can handle the situation, or rather, until they know they can learn more about their targets close up and personally. Once engaged, particularly with their desired subjects of study, Plights – like any Brood creation – are well-equipped for their designed task. Bestial-looking claws that constantly secrete a solvent similar to concentrated digestive fluid are perfect for battlefield vivisection, opening up precise wounds to look upon the inner workings of a creature. The solvent keeps the wound from closing, naturally or otherwise, so the Plight can investigate how the victim is put together long after the engagement has ended. There are times however, that a Plight may be interested in learning some baseline organic chemistry about a target, begging for a compete dissolution of body mass to core proteins and raw waste. A bio-enhanced pump that hurls gouts of their bio-solvent can be used for this purpose, washing huge areas with the foul slime if only to break all organic matter there to its component parts…which a Plight will gladly sop up and research when it can return to the steaming morass. Plights are an elite squad that can be added to Brood forcelists, bringing with them just enough firepower to become a tactically sound tool in the Brood Mere’s ever-evolving repertoire. Unpainted figures, requires assembly. Comes with free unit card and premium plastic base.
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