The Fall Of Guardia - The Merchant's Gate

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The Fall of Guardia - The Merchant's Gate

The realm of Guardia faces an unrelenting onslaught, and the "Fall of Guardia" Add-On brings you an unparalleled experience of destruction and valor.Behold the harrowing transformation of the majestic Merchant's Gate into a grim symbol of chaos and turmoil.

As the siege rages, this once-proud gateway now stands as a testament to the fierce struggle for control over Guardia's destiny.

Embark on an unforgettable Siege of the Merchant's Gate adventure. Defenders, prepare to thwart the invaders and safeguard the city's last line of defense! Strategize and repel the enemy forces to protect Guardia from falling into ruin. Or, champions of conquest, will you lead the siege to breach the battered gate, claiming dominion over this strategic entryway?

The razed Merchant's Gate invites you to rewrite history and rewrite the outcome of Guardia's fate. Dive deep into the intensity of the battlefield, where stories of heroism and sacrifice unfold amidst the smoldering ruins.


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