The complete Knights set for Hexchess Legends: Knights vs Ogres!
The usual chess pieces - King, Queen, Rook, Bishop, Knight, and Pawn - and three heroes: The Champion, The Mage, and The Archer!
Pre-supported versions included.
Multiple colors zip: Dear backers, the multi-colors folder includes models prepared for multi-color printing. These are larger files, and can be colored more easely using the latest slicers and region coloring features. If you're not going to use them for multi-color printing, I recommend using the single color files, or the pre-supported files, as they're smaller and faster to process.
Have a great time printing!
Visit the Kickstarter! Hexchess Legends: Knights vs Ogres
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This project uses OpenLOCK
OpenLOCK BSD License
OpenLOCK is an open-source scenery building system developed by
OpenLOCK is a trademark of Printable Scenery