Dark Sword 6th Anniv - Marike Mistress of the Bugs V2 - 28mm

Painted by Marike
4 i want 
i have 

What does one do to honor the 6th Anniv. of their miniature company after a 5th anniv piece of their wife and two miniature schnauzers? Well, how about forever immortalize in pewter one of the classy people that works closely with Dark Sword? For those of you who read my Gen Con 2007 report, you will see a pic at the end of some people that were discussing plans for cool figs. I have attached it below to refresh your memory. What is cooler than Miss Marike Reimer in pewter? I will tell ya what - TWO versions of Miss Marike Reimer in Pewter - that's what! What's even cooler than that? How about a 54mm version AND a standard size version? For those people that wanted a giant sized babe for their army, now you have your chance with the 54mm Marike. Marike and I call her MEGA MARIKE THE DESTROYER. Needless to say, a 54mm version of my wife now needs to be sculpted up sometime in the very near future... Marike loves bugs, reptiles, amphibians, you know - all sorts of cuddly creatures. So bugs (in this case beetles) had to be part of her get-up. So we decided to make her an evil bug controlling sorceress.This next mini, is further into her tour of duty as ruling queen of all bugs and critters. Those are beetles all over her scepter and on different parts of her body. Oh, and that is a beetle swarm she is shooting out.
This does beg the question - What to do for next year - "Lord Verzani The Fearless Fighter" perhaps? I like the sound of that... yep, I like it a lot... But I am sure Matt will understand if we had to kick it off with a couple good looking ladies first...

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