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The Man of Steel.
Or in this case: plastic.
This guy is a huge part of my childhood. I hope I did him justice here, and that you, dear visitor, have a good time printing him (should you choose to do so) and give him a good home on one of your shelves!
Preferably far away from any rocks printed in transparent, green, filament.
Sculpted in ZBrush. Printed on a CR-10S.
- May 17, 2018
Added a new version (superman-without-v-tip.stl) with the "v tip" cut off at the bottom, because it has caused some issues for a few unfortunate printers. I will look into doing a more comprehensive redesign so everyone can print the bust as it was intended to be printed. My apologies for the headaches this has caused!
This is fan art, provided for free, and I fully acknowledge the Superman likeness is the property of DC Entertainment (Warner Bros.)