MU 慕 is a rare family name, its meaning can be translated as "admire"
RON 容 has thousands of meanings: the verb form usually mean "something/someone that is able to tolerate", "to accommodate", "to endure a lot".
YIN 英 is something beautiful, nice, wonderful. This word is used for: "hero" (英雄),"handsome" (英俊), "a person who's the best", "the most outstanding in a group" (精英)
So, her name can be roughly translated as : "she admires a hero with a big heart."
Since those heroes are so rare, in the meantime, she takes the matter into her own hands.
Her guide and companion is BU卜 , a hint to his relationship to nature and super natural ability to predict future.
Some say he is also friends with Bubu the Owl. Who knows?
Size : 118x145x120mm
Presupported: yes
Custom base: both standard and custom base included