Absorbed into the vast Persian Empire the Kushite's bring a different type of warrior to the ancient battlefields of Mortal Gods. These fighters can be taken as part of a Persian Sataba, as a stand-alone faction or as mercenaries in a Greek lochos.
This set contains a total of 28 cards made up of Roster Cards to be used to build your Kushite Warband and 10 Gift Cards specially designed to be used with a Kushite (or a Persian) force.
The card types included are multiples of the following:
- Kushite Prince
- Priest of Babi
- Priest of Apedemak & Lion
- Kushite Archer Group
- Kushite Archer
- Kushite Warrior Group
- Kushite Warrior
- Baboon Group
- Baboon
As well as multiples of the above roster cards there are 10 unique gift cards. There are enough cards in this set to make a varied force.
You also need the rules, dice, action markers, miniatures and terrain to play.