6X Arazain Black Guard

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In the annals of Arazain's history, few names evoke as much reverence and fear as the Black Guard. Tasked with defending the very heart of the coastal Kingdom of Arazain, these elite warriors are the best of the best. 

Handpicked from the most seasoned veterans of Arazain's armies and navies, the Black Guard are not just soldiers but living embodiments of the kingdom's strength and resilience. Each member undergoes rigorous training, honing their skills in combat, stealth, and strategy to perfection.

At the palace's gate, they stand as silent sentinels, their imposing figures clad in blackened steel armor that seems to absorb the very light around them. Their eyes, sharp and vigilant, scan the shadows for any hint of danger, ready to spring into action at a moment's notice.

But it's not just their physical prowess that sets them apart. The Black Guard are bound by an unbreakable oath to protect their liege with their lives if need be. This fierce devotion fuels their determination, making them an almost insurmountable obstacle for anyone foolish enough to challenge the kingdom's sovereignty.

To face the Black Guard in battle is to face the epitome of martial skill and unwavering loyalty. Their unity is unmatched, their tactics flawless, and their resolve unyielding. They move as one, a disciplined force that strikes fear into the hearts of Arazain's enemies and inspires awe in its allies.

Those who would dare to breach the palace gates and confront the Black Guard must be prepared for a harrowing ordeal. For these elite warriors would sooner embrace death than allow harm to befall their king or their kingdom. Theirs is a legacy written in blood, steel, and unshakeable loyalty, a legacy that has earned them the title of Arazain's finest protectors.


This set includes 5x Arazain Black Guards and 1x Arazain Black Guard Captain. These models are one piece to allow for easier printing and painting. 

These files are for personal use only and may not be sold. Printed models may also not be sold unless express permission is given. 

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