Roman Ox Cart - Wagon

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Consists of an ancient Roman ox cart with driver and 3 loads in 11 STL files. These 'heavy goods vehicles' were used across the ancient world forthousands of years, enabling the epic constructions including Hadrian's Wall. Wheels pivot with retaining pegs.

Return to the Wall

Under a new Emperor, a new Consul has arrived on the wild frontier of the Empire to govern this troublesome province. His inspection of the northern defences left him unimpressed, and after harsh disciplinary measures, a new program of works will begin, along with a long overdue reorganisation of the legion assigned to man the wall.

A new and accurate set of modular Roman legionaries, enhanced fortifications and additional scatter coming to Gadgetworks' Ancient Worlds this month.

Scenery is compatible with the 'Edge of Empire' Mile Castle release. Updated/Pegged versions of the castle from that release will be provided this month.

Intended for 32mm scale printing on resin printers. Can be scaled up for large scale printing. Supported lychee files and supported stl files included for 32mm versions. All models are test printed.

Visit us at for more historical and fantasy models to print.



6 part cart with Oxen


Stack and single stone blocks

1 basket of rubble

1 barrel

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