28mm Roman Republican Legion - Hastati

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i have 

Multipart 28mm Roman Republican Principes legionaries. multiple poses and a variety of heads included. Assembly required

Cald in tunics and armour chest plates, legionary Hastati of the 3rd-1st century bce. These men are the front line 'cannon fodder' of Scipio's army. 31 stl files making up a huge variety of potential poses plus 6 unique heads. Parts shown in renders.


Our next 28mm set will be the promised Republican Romans, broadly representing the armies of Scipio Africanus in the Punic wars (but obviously more widely suitable). By the time this is finished it should provide a complete set of everything needed for these battles.

Intended for 28mm scale printing on resin printers. Can be scaled up for large scale printing. Supported lychee files and supported stl files included at 28mm. All models are test printed.

Visit us at patreon.com/gadgetworks for more historical models to print.

Consists of Multipart Hastati in tunic and plate armour and in many possible poses
2 upper body poses in two armour variations
3 leg poses, supplied with/without gladius in scabbard
3 left arm poses, each with shield and empty hand
3 right arm poses, each with pilum, gladius and empty hand
6 heads in various helmets and plumes (same heads as Principes)

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